Power From Natural Waste Shouldn’t Go to Waste
Harvest the Potential of Biogas-Driven Cogeneration
Using biogas created from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste, our reciprocating engines can generate renewable power and heat for your community or industry. For farms, breweries, food producers, waste processors, or pulp and paper mills, biogas cogeneration can boost profits and reduce emissions.
Having completed over 20 bioenergy projects, we are focused on:
- Biogas power generation solutions
- RNG systems
- Green distributed power
- Biorefining
- Waste-to-power
- Combined heat and power
- Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

Extracting Value From What Society Throws Away
The process of biogas generation starts with the collection of organic waste. Either from within your facility or imported as a feedstock, many kinds of organic waste can form the basis of biogas production.
Animal manure, household food scraps, as well as fats-oils-greases (FOG) are the most common feedstocks for biogas production. Once pasteurized, these residues are fed into airtight digesters for a number of days. They are broken down by anaerobic bacteria to become a very stable fertilizer and a valuable renewable methane gas known as biogas.
Enerflex’s Solution
Our solutions cover the entire system (gas-to-wire). Whether you run a farm, a food processing plant, a brewery, or a pulp mill, you should investigate how biogas cogeneration can support your business.

Biogas Value Chain and Enerflex
Essentially converting released CH4 into CO2.