Shareholder Information

Requests for the Company’s Annual Report, Quarterly Reports, and other corporate communications should be directed to:
Investor Relations Enerflex Ltd.
Telephone: +1-403-387-6377
Email: irfax@enerflex.com
Suite 904, 1331 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2G 0K3
Read Enerflex’s Shareholder Engagement Policy.
For additional assistance, please contact our transfer, register, and dividend-disbursing agent:
TSX Trust
Toll Free: 1-866-600-5869
Telephone: 1-416-361-0930
Fax: 1-416-361-0470
Investor Inquiries: TSXTIS@tmx.com
301 – 100 Adelaide Street West
Toronto, ON MSH 4H1

Investor Relations
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