Advanced Cooling Technologies for Gas Streams

Specialized Hydrocarbon Extraction

  • Prepares gas for pipeline transmission by removing NGLs, generating extra revenue 
  • Controls BTU value when high-pressure gas is available 
  • Achieves temperature reductions from -6.5°C to 10°C (20°F to 50°F) based on pressure drop 
  • Operates at temperatures as warm as 15.5°C (60°F), with dew point capability as low as -26°C (-15°F) 
  • Offers standard and custom MRUs that chill natural gas streams down to -40°C (-40°F) using typically propane-based refrigeration 
  • Modular systems designed for easy installation and seamless integration with Enerflex’s stabilization and fractionation technologies 
  • Provided as part of complete turnkey facility packages 
  • Modular design to reduce pressure, remove water, and lower BTUs for leaner compressor fuel and instrumentation gas